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California Mountain Biking Coalition (CAMTB)

The mission of CAMTB is to improve and increase trail access for mountain biking throughout California by providing a unified statewide voice for organizations and individuals. A 501(c)4 organization #84-3396574 founded in 2019.

The five WHYs for creating the California Mountain Biking Coalition:

1. Provide a collective, statewide voice for mountain bikers.
2. Engage proactively with State, Regional and Federal Agencies to further the CAMTB Mission, while cultivating strong partnership opportunities.
3. Track legislation and planning efforts that affect trail access in California with actionable recommendations and potentially draft legislation.
4. Create an effective place to share our knowledge base and best practices between member clubs.
5. Foster a positive image of mountain biking to decision makers and the general public to emphasize education, div

Steering Committee CAMTB -

Vernon Huffman (Access4Bikes)
Jake Bayless (REMBA)
Steve Messer (CORBA)
Susie Murphy (SDMBA)
Kevin Loomis (SDMBA)
Matthew Blain (SFUR)


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