Dogs Unknown
Devil's Creek to Resurrection Pass is an all day adventure packed with plenty of singletrack in an amazing landscape. This point-to-point ride has plenty of climbing and a fair bit of descent. The route has some technical aspects but is mostly just for those who have a fair amount of fitness for long rides.
Need to Know
Bear and moose are present in the area. The best way to avoid an interaction is to not surprise an animal. Use bells, sing and/or travel in a group.
The Devil's to Resurrection ride Devil's Creek starts at the Devil's Creek trailhead just off of the Seward Highway (Hwy 1).
Begin with a slight downhill to a bridged creek crossing. Once across plan on climbing for a good bit. The ascent starts somewhat mellow heading towards the Devil's Creek drainage. Once you turn into the huge valley, the grade steepens as you slowly work your way up to the tundra. The trail is not technical, just a steady grind.
There are several waterfalls, one big one, that you'll cross as you pedal up. As the sound of one fades, another starts to starts to rumble.
As the scrubs transition into the low moss of the tundra, the route flattens a bit and rolls across a few sections of rocky trail. You'll have to pedal consistently and stay balanced to clean everything.
The approach to Devil's Pass is rolling and actually a slightly downhill. When you reach the sign, you'll be surrounded by mountains in a large flat area.
Continue straight to perhaps the most beautiful part of the ride, a string of high alpine lakes. The connection to Resurrection Pass trail is at the lower end.
At the intersection, stay left to a gentle descent through a wide open valley with mountains in the distance. Aside from pedaling up every once in awhile, the route trends downhill across tundra towards the edge of the hanging valley.
The trail drops out of the valley into the biggest descent of the ride. The tundra gives way to more vegetation. Before you know it, you'll be whizzing through big shrubs and grasses.
Stay straight at the junction with the winter trail and finish the descent to the intersection with Swan Lake. Bear left here and pedal on rolling contour trail along the right side of a high marsh to a bridge crossing the inlet to Juneau Lake.
Now on the left side of the valley you'll be right on the waterfront for a bit before turning inland onto wider singletrack through open forest. Settle in as you'll be on this section. It's a mix of forest and open areas to another winter trail intersection. Stay right here and ramble on more wide singletrack until a bridge, after which you'll quickly come to an unmarked viewpoint for Juneau Falls. With a rest stop, the falls roar in a steep canyon with beautiful mountains riding up in the background.
After the falls the trail takes you on a fun and flowy finish, whooping and swooping down through spruce, pine, aspen and birch. Enjoy every turn and berm and the roll flat right at the end to the Resurrection Pass trailhead.
Shared By:
Leslie Kehmeier