Dogs Leashed
Family Friendly
Ease of access with minimal intersections (decisions) and low level of difficulty with relatively easy bail-out opportunities the entire length b/c of proximity to the Sac & Fox multi-use trail.
Bi-directional / two way traffic, horses prohibited, open unless flooded (all conditions).
The Ash segment of the Sac & Fox singletrack picks up from the same bridge / equestrian crossing where the
Locust segment comes to an end, heading parallel to the Sac & Fox and re-entering the multi-modal trail prior to the railroad bridge underpass.
The terrain and vegetation of the parcel in which the Ash segment passes is slightly different to that of the
Locust segment, with the singletrack trail exhibiting a bit more varied characteristics for the user (i.e. trail flow, scenery, etc.).
However, the most significant difference between the two segments is proximity to the rail tracks as the singletrack and multi-modal trails converge to share the underpass; it should be noted that the Ash section closest to the railroad underpass is lowest in elevation and prone to flooded and soggy conditions when the Cedar River is high.
*note: as a bi-directional trail it is relatively easy to access this segment via Indian Creek Nature Center.
Shared By:
Ken Barker