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This trail is all thanks to the hard work of Tahoe Area Mountain Biking Association (TAMBA) volunteers and support from the community. There are few opportunities to ride bike-optimized singletrack to a high Sierra mountain peak. This trail features flowy lines and banked in-sloped corners. We kept the grade relatively easy, since everything above 8,000' is difficult already. It took two years of volunteer building, over 2,400 volunteer hours, and 1,680 hours of grant-funded trail crews to reach the summit, and more work is on the way. Enjoy, and please support your local trail organization!
Stanford Rock has been nearly a complete re-routed from its former degraded logging road. Between 2018 and 2021, TAMBA volunteers built several new miles of forest flow including a new trail to the summit (there was no official trail to the actual rock before). If you haven't ridden this trail since the re-routes, you need to check it out. What used to be a dusty, unrelenting road cut with unrideable sections is now a flowy bike-optimized trail with berms, rollers, massive views, and alt lines for advanced riders. Locals are now calling it a 6-mile escalator, and one of the best trails in Tahoe.
Most riders now take Stanford Rock Trail as an out and back either to the summit, Yale Rock (a giant piece of volcanic rock next to the trail overlooking Twin Peaks), the TRT, or the wilderness boundary. Definitely worth a trip to the wilderness boundary or a scramble to Twin Peaks Summit as well.
Shared By:
S. Lengyel
with improvements
by Jesse Weber