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The recommended loop for South Park.

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1,232' 376 m


975' 297 m


974' 297 m


972' 296 m



Avg Grade (2°)


Max Grade (10°)

Dogs Leashed

E-Bikes Unknown


A great loop of the South Park trails centered around various branches off the Buffalo Ridge Trail.

Basic Directions:
Step 1: Woods Cafe Parking lot (Used to be VIP) - Warm-up Loop - Girl Scout Hill - Wave Pool Parking Lot
Step 2: The Drain - Top of girl scout hill to sled riding hill - Buffalo Hill to Buffalo Enclosure - Game Preserve Connector - South Park Game Preserve
Step 3: Game Preserve Connector to Buffalo Ridge - Fair Grounds Trail - New Fairground to Playground - Corrigan Dr
Step 4: Buffalo Ridge - Stone Manse Dr - Middle golf course trail - Lower golf course trail - Buffalo Ridge
Step 5: E. Park Dr - Texas Road Gas Line Trail - Buffalo Ridge - VIP Parking Lot


Step 1: VIP Parking Lot - Practice Loop - Girl Scout Hill - Wave Pool Parking Lot

Start at the VIP parking lot and cross the bridge over catfish run. Climb 100 Acres Drive and make the 2nd left onto the Warm up Loop trail bearing left uphill at the first fork to do a lap around warm up loop. You'll cross twin hills road twice and then cross 100 Acres Drive back to where you entered the warm up loop. This time don't take the fork uphill and follow the lower path to the Buffalo Ridge Trail. Follow Buffalo Ridge to Wave Pool.

Step 2: The Drain - Top of girl scout hill to sled riding hill - Buffalo Hill to Buffalo Enclosure - Game Preserve Connector - South Park Game Preserve.

Make a right after the the trail fork onto The Drain after the Wave Pool parking lot to follow the trail to McConkey Road. Make a right onto McConkey Road and look for the trail on your left, Top of girl scout hill to sled riding hill. Follow that, ignoring the fork to the right (Sesqui Dr Connector) and make a left back on to Buffalo Ridge Trail. Turn right on Sesqui Dr Connector above Corrigan walkway.

Cross Sesqui Drive below Buffalo Pens onto Game Preserve Connector. Make a right as you exit Game Preserve Connector at the game preserve.

Step 3: Game Preserve Connector to Buffalo Ridge - Fair Grounds Trail - New Fairground to Playground - Corrigan Dr.

Go between Buffalo Pens and buildings to find the Game Preserve Connector to Buffalo Ridge below the stone wall to connect back to the Buffalo Ridge Trail. Turn left onto Buffalo Ridge Trail to cross Sesqui Drive below Brakenridge Drive.
Go around the Airfield, watch for planes, bear left onto Fair Grounds Trail and then bear right onto Rolling trail behind the fairgrounds. Take that down to Catfish Run, exit out to the edge of the fairgrounds.

Go left and up onto the Fair Grounds Trail by the handicapped parking and make two right turns in close succession to follow the New Fairground to Playground trail on the ridge above the south park fairgrounds. This loops back towards the game preserve, cross Corrigan Drive at the Sesqui Drive intersection at the crosswalk to the walking path.

Step 4: Buffalo Ridge - Stone Manse Dr - Middle golf course trail - Lower golf course trail - Buffalo Ridge

Go left on the walking path towards and cross the bridge to your right toward Edgebrook field. Look to your right for access to the Buffalo Ridge Trail. Follow Buffalo Ridge, cross Stone Manse Drive. After Stone Manse Drive, stay right to take the High Road to the Golf Course. Ignore the first left where Buffalo Ridge Trail intersects the High Road to the Golf Course, ignore the second left to Roller Coaster, and take the third left to take the Middle golf course trail.

Make a right to go down Roller Coaster, and make a right at the bottom before E. Park Drive to ride the Lower golf course trail. Follow the Lower golf course trail and make a left at Buffalo Ridge Trail.

Step 5: E. Park Dr - Texas Road Gas Line Trail - Buffalo Ridge - VIP Parking Lot

Cross E. Park Drive, and then 100 Acres Drive and enter the trail near West Virginia Shelter and make a left onto the Texas Road Gas Line Trail. Follow this trail till it crosses 100 Acres Drive (ignore the connector trail to the left). Make a right onto Buffalo Ridge Trail and follow that to the 100 Acres Drive / Corrigan Drive intersection and cross to the VIP Parking Lot where you started.


Local Club: Trail Pittsburgh

Land Manager: Allegheny County, PA

Shared By:

Ben Voytko with improvements by Jeffrey Fisher

Trail Ratings

  4.5 from 25 votes


in South Park


  4.5 from 25 votes
5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star
1 Star
Recommended Route Rankings


in South Park


in Pennsylvania


80 Views Last Month
9,583 Since Apr 28, 2017
Intermediate Intermediate



Rarely ridden trail section.
Nov 22, 2018 near Bethel…, PA
Narrow steep and muddy.
Jun 7, 2016 near Bethel…, PA
Classic South Park singletrack photo.
Aug 10, 2014 near South P…, PA
Tree down on the new Girl Scout Trail
Jan 6, 2019 near Bethel…, PA



Current Trail Conditions

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Aug 6, 2023
Private User
Oct 28, 2022
Cordova Wyne
last berm on fairgrounds is decaying and fallen tree on the steep black diamond section nere VIP parking lot, otherwise awesome. 11.8mi — 2h 20m
May 9, 2022
Peter McElligott
Jun 28, 2021
Patrick Klingensmith
HSD Group Ride 10.4mi — 2h 12m
May 14, 2020
Adam Christopher
14.4mi — 2h 01m
Sep 8, 2019
Greg Janco
Aug 5, 2019
Charles Hindermyer
Jul 14, 2019
Brian M

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