Dogs Unknown
GGBY High Line Event grew way out of control, and the BLM stepped in to manage area use better. There were quite a lot of illegal trails and camps in the area—don't make it worse by riding your bike on them. Stop when you get to the parking area (which may not be terribly obvious).
Need to Know
During the
GGBY Highline Event in November, you may have trouble parking anywhere near the Fruit Bowl.
With management policy changing dramatically since 2017, it's unclear if bikes are allowed on the slickrock walking route beyond the parking area to the edge. Contact the BLM for current info.
If you want a chance at seeing high-lining, but you prefer a shorter detour, continue along Mineral Road (Horsethief Trail) until a wash where the road reaches its closest approach to a side canyon. Turn right, stash the bikes, and walk down the sandy wash to the edge.
Where the Mineral Road (Horsethief Trail) crosses a slickrock wash as you drive southwest, take the second right and proceed along a very straight dirt track toward the precipitous, yet invisible edge of Mineral Canyon. Nearing the edge, the road bends left and follows the rising contour. When you reach the parking lot, leave the bikes and routefind your way west-southwest and downhill, mostly on slickrock, through a series of stair-stepping sandstone terraces toward the west side of the mesa top. The annual event places cairns, so the trail to the edge may (or may not) be marked for you.
Eventually, you'll reach a stubby side canyon wrinkle off of Mineral Canyon, with two short arms. The views are fantastic, but they'll be even more amazing if you happen to be here when slackliners have set up and are tip-toeing across the chasm on their spider threads. Sometimes they set up an utterly psychotic swing, too.
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F Felix