Dogs Leashed
When traveling north/northeast, the Maple segment of the Sac & Fox singletrack leaves the multi-modal trail shortly after the entrance to Indian Creek Nature Center's pedestrian only legacy trails, continuing to the Bertram Road trailhead where it continues north / northeast where it rejoins the Sac & Fox to share the Mt. Vernon Rd. underpass.
Need to Know
All part of the contiguous LAMBA Sac & Fox Singletrack trail system, eventually connecting Marion (Wanatee) to Cedar Rapids (Mt. Trashmore) where both ends of this linear mt. bike experience have plenty of options for food, drink, lodging, etc.
While the terrain near the Maple singletrack remains floodplain, the woodland thickens as the trail ascends the Indian Creek tributary from the exceptionally wide Cedar River corridor. This allows the user the opportunity to playfully meander through the trees, at times taking advantage of technical trail features and undulations in the landscape, allowing for an even more fun and sustainable singletrack trail.
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Backyard Trails