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The upper section of Casey Meadows trail travels up the Casey Meadows themselves, the majority of which are situated on the slope of a large SW facing gully. It is very different from its lower half, and sees much less traffic, especially by mountain bikers as it is not very suited for riding in either direction. On the ascent it is a hike-a-bike most of the way to the ridge, and on the descent you'll be picking lines down steep grassy slopes. In many places the trail is more like a route, and picking the best way up or down by following your nose might be easier than trying to decipher where the trail actually goes.
The easiest access to this trail is via the bottom. You could access it from the top via Pole Canyon but be warned that an ascent up Pole Canyon is very steep, rocky and loose, and would likely involve even more bikepushing.
Near the top of the meadows on the ridge on the Meadows side, the trail enters an old burn zone littered with dead fallen trees, and it becomes more defined like a normal trail again. If you are coming up from the bottom it is important to find the trail at it's entry point to the trees, by following them around to your left. Trying to cut through the tangle of deadfall, especially with a mountain bike will be a slow and frustrating experience. Be on the lookout for rock cairns and cut logs to guide you.
On the Pole Creek side, the trail comes out into a large open burn zone and ends at a pointed line of live trees that bisect another burn zone. At this point there is an unmarked trail junction with Pole Creek Trail heading left of the tree line and Sheep Park Trail heading to the right.
Shared By:
Matt W