Dogs Leashed
Not Allowed
Mostly singletrack from North Ogden Divide heading past the base of Ben Lomond Peak and towards Willard. It's pretty flat for a mile or so then switchbacks to the remaining flat section.
The trail is mostly hard pack dirt with occasional stones, roots, and easy rocky sections. The switchback turns at about 1 mile in would constitute the only difficult section of the ride. Beyond the switchbacks comes the flowy, fast, and smooth section that makes up the best the trail has to offer.
Unfortunately, the entire trail follows massive power lines and, in spots, the trail is actually on the power company's access road. This could be ignored but the power company's use of powerful herbicides killing the flora below the power lines takes away from the experience. However, the views of Ogden to the southwest and Ben Lomond Peak to the north are exceptional!
Here's to hoping this trail weaves its way to Willard and beyond!
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with improvements
by Mark Enders