Dogs Unknown
This section starts off on Fish Canyon Rd. You'll pass by Kentucky Camp on your left. Continue on the road. There are some steep climbs and some steep decents, most of it loose rock. After about 3 miles of riding you'll see the a large sign on the right of the road for the AZ trail. The bottom of this singletrack is somewhat steep and loose rocks. Pick a good line and you'll make it. The singletrack continues to go up and then it drops on to a slightly technical decent with switchbacks. Ride through the meadow at the bottom and back on to a jeep road, following it to the right. Keep an eye out for a singletrack on the left after about half a mile. When you take the singletrack it will drop you out a gate at Box Canyon Road.
Go directly across the road and hop on the singletrack for your last 6 miles of riding. Climb up the singletrack. It is fairly well packed on the lower grades and more loose on the steeper sections. You'll pop out on a dirt road and see a water tank to the left. Take the road to the water tank and take a right when you get to the tank. Follow the road for a mile or so keeping an eye out for a pile of white rocks on the left marking a singletrack. Be careful as there are a couple piles of white rocks, but only one set actually has a trail associated with it. Once on the singletrack it is a bit of up and down until you reach another dirt road. Turn right on the road and follow it for half a mile where you'll see a parking lot on the right.
Shared By:
Hillary Mathis