Dogs Unknown
The Blue trail, approximately 9 miles in length, is fast and flowing, with gentle climbs and descents. Beginner friendly, the flow really appears at speed and experienced riders will find Blue a great place to spin all out and work on their cardio as the miles fly by.
The majority of the track is firm, smooth hard packed earth under the shade of the forest. There are a few sections of track with loose gravel and sand that requires some caution. Rocks and roots come into play at just a few technical sections of the trail. There are maybe 2-3 steep hills that may force a beginner off his/her bike and require him/her to walk up. There are a few small drops (really more like steps) that are 12" or less in height...nothing too difficult. There are a handful of rutty sections, but very minimal.
This trail would be a great place to bring riders who don't have the patience or experience to manage slower paced, tight, technical tracks. This track is very well suited for a hardtail mountain bike due to its smooth, flowing trails with minimal roots and rocks. The trail crosses paved roads in several locations, but the trail does not pick up directly on the other side in some spots. The first 2 crossings require you to turn right on the road, follow the road down a ways, and then pick up the trail. The 3rd crossing requires that you turn left on the road, follow it down past some train tracks, and then pick up the trail. These crossings are not well marked, leaving first time riders confused on which way to turn on the paved road.
If you are looking for a quick, smooth, flowing trail with mild ups and downs and a few technical challenges, this is the right trail for you. If you are looking for jumps, white-knuckle drops, and tight technical challenges, you may want to look elsewhere.
Shared By:
Michael Ahnemann
with improvements
by Jesse Roe