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Downhill · Flow · Technical · Views
This ride features amazing singletrack and a long climb with huge valley views. There's a technical downhill thrown in, just to keep you honest. Most of this loop is used for the annual Teton Pass Kicker mountain bike race.
Need to Know
You're traveling in bear country, be prepared. While going up Phillip's Ridge be aware of downhill traffic coming at you.
Head up the singletrack from the trailhead until you hit the road junction and spot the trail sign across the road. This is the junction for Phillips Ridge and Phillips Canyon. Go up Phillips Ridge for about 8 miles. It's a long, easy grade winding through forest.
The lower section is covered in damp, fern-type vegetation. As you climb, you'll be met with nice, wide berms. From here, Phillips Ridge goes in and out of the trees in a few spots. Enjoy the views as you cross through old clear cuts. After this section, the trail is mostly smooth as it winds through the woods. There is one rocky section where significant trail work has been done to lay the rocks flat; this is a great section. Once on top of the ridge, you'll encounter more rocks as well as roots. Don't worry, the the trail is still well maintained.
When you hit the Snotel junction on top of the ridge, follow it right to Phillips Canyon and back down to the trailhead. Snotel provides your first break in climbing with a nice downhill. The trail continues to go in and out of the trees. Snotel has it all, with rocks roots and a small climb at the end. Once here, you know the junction to Phillips Canyon is coming. Watch for it on the right.
After the junction you'll encounter more climbing. Phillips Canyon weaves through the forest and heads towards a drop into the canyon. Once you start heading down you'll know the hard part is done.
Once at a stream crossing with a bridge, the technical stuff follows. The descent into the canyon consists of of large rocks with steep angles. This has got to be one of the more technical sections on Teton Pass (minus the downhill-only trails). Phillips Canyon has a steep angle with a few large root drops to go along with the rocks. Enjoy!
Shared By:
todd saulters
with improvements
by Justin Bowen
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