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A technical lollipop loop from the base of Peak 9, Breckenridge Ski Area.


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10,942' 3,335 m


9,720' 2,963 m


1,461' 445 m


1,467' 447 m



Avg Grade (3°)


Max Grade (8°)

Dogs Leashed

E-Bikes Unknown


This is a technical, rocky, rooty lollipop loop from the base of Peak 9 at the Breckenridge Ski Area, up an historic mining road that has reverted to singletrack to Spruce Creek Road and the Spruce Creek Trail via a short section of the Wheeler Trail.

Need to Know

The Spruce Creek Trail and the lower section of Burro Trail are extremely popular with hikers. Expect to stop often descending these trail sections. For this reason, this loop should be avoided on busy, summer weekends.

The trail has a lot of rock. It is prudent to bring extra tubes for this ride.


There is a large, paved parking lot at the base of Peak 9. From Park Avenue, in the south end of Breckenridge go west up Village Road towards Peak 9 base area. The parking lot entrance is 0.1 mile past Primrose Path, across from the Hilton.

Ride out of the east side of the parking lot onto the gravel ski area access road and turn right. After 0.1 miles, at the first bend in the road, a trail begins through a buck-and-rail fence on the left side of the road.

Take the well-marked singletrack into the forest, crossing a bridge over a small creek. The trail begins a gradual climb reminiscent of the Peaks Trail, but gets more intense, rocky and steep after the first 1/2 mile.

In the first 1 1/4 mile of the climb there are numerous, social singletracks branching both right and left from the main trail. The Burro Trail is by far the more established, and easiest to follow (if not to climb) of the trails.

At 1.3 miles, the trail tees into a wider track. Go left at this intersection, and remember the turn for the downhill leg. (A right turn at this junction connects to more social trails and an extremely rough equestrian trail used for ski area summer pack tours). Climb this wider trail section for 1.8 miles to Spruce Creek Road.

Note there is another social singletrack descending steeply east off the main trail 0.8 miles into this 1.8 mile section. This can be mistaken for the actual trail on the downhill ride. This intersection is at an abrupt turn in the main trail.

At the end of Burro Trail, shortly after crossing the Crystal Lakes access road, turn right and climb Spruce Creek Road 3/4 mile to the Wheeler Trail. There is a gated dirt road to the right, and a post on the left side of the trail at this junction. Spruce Creek Road is open to motor vehicles, and Mohawks Lake further up the road is a popular hike.

(Note: to extend the ride, continue on Spruce Creek Road to the end of the road and a small trailhead. The upper end of the Spruce Creek Trail begins on the left side of this trailhead. Descend to, and across the Wheeler Trail.)

Take a left onto the Wheeler Trail and roll along over several, bridged creek crossings to a four-way intersection with the Spruce Creek Trail. There will be a large, picturesque meadow on the right and views of Continental Falls. This is a good place for a rest.

Turn left and descend Spruce Creek Trail for a mile to a narrow bridge over Spruce Creek. The descent is very rooty, and can be exceptionally dangerous when wet, reminiscent of an east coast trail. After crossing the creek, Spruce Creek Trail is more rolling and eventually terminates at the Spruce Creek trailhead parking lot.

Turn left at the parking lot and climb back up Spruce Creek Road to the Burro Trail, ignoring the Crystal Lakes access road on the right after 1,000 feet. The Burro Trail begins at a marker post 1/2 mile from the parking lot.

Turn right onto the Burro Trail and descend 1.8 miles to the aforementioned right turn from the main track. Continue downhill 1.3 miles to the Base of Peak 9.


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Trail Ratings

  4.6 from 16 votes


in Breckenridge


  4.6 from 16 votes
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in Breckenridge


in Colorado


6 Views Last Month
9,404 Since Aug 19, 2014
Intermediate/Difficult Intermediate/Difficult



Watch out for the rocks, roots, and hikers
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Aug 23, 2023
Aiden Burns
Oct 11, 2021
Phil O
trailhead is right behind the lions gate resort. tough climb leads to moderate doubletrack, then nice singletrack along a mead (saw 2 moose), rough… 9.6mi — 3h 00m
Sep 18, 2021
Peter Hunziker
Awesome trail. Longest 9.6 miles ridden yet as it's super rocky and technical on the uphill. Downhill is amazing, through Forrest. Lots of hikes, r… 9.6mi
Aug 12, 2021
Jim Snow
Mileage includes Peak Connector from Peak 7. Trails dry and in good shape. 12.6mi — 2h 24m
Jul 16, 2021
Mike Palmer
Sep 15, 2020
Mike Palmer
Aug 5, 2020
Brandon Nesbitt
Aug 3, 2020
Jim Snow
Trails in good shape. 10.1mi — 2h 13m
March 2025

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