Dogs Unknown
"Canadian Shield", named for all of the bedrock it traverses, is a rugged singletrack loop with incredible scenery and great cerebral riding.
Trail is two-way. Riding either direction provides very similar experiences. Essentially, you'll leave
Fluvial Trail and make a gradual descent, onto more and more bedrock, as you make your way out onto a massive, butting chunk of bedrock.
At its farthest reaches (southeast) the loop provides several incredible vistas: overlooking Lake Superior and Grand Marais, with clear panoramic views.
Regardless of which direction you're riding, the ride back to
Fluvial Trail is essentially a gradual uphill climb, off of the bedrock and back into the woods.
In sections without much vegetation or soil (all rock), watch for cairns (stacks of rocks) to mark the way.
Shared By:
Matt Goodman