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A tour of some pretty decent singletrack through the Dedisse and Three Sisters parks.

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8,521' 2,597 m


7,110' 2,167 m


1,833' 559 m


1,834' 559 m



Avg Grade (3°)


Max Grade (12°)

Dogs Leashed

E-Bikes Allowed


This ride is generally pretty mellow but there are short sections that can increase the difficulty quite a bit. It's probably not a great ride for a beginner, but if they don't mind walking some sections, then it should be pretty manageable. There are also some sections that can be a bit rocky that might make newer riders uncomfortable.

The bit of the Sisters Trail between Bearberry and Dedisse Trail is actually very technical and fun if you like a challenge. It is on par with Hall Ranch, but not quite as long. There are also a lot of small sections of trail that have deviated from the original due to difficulty, so if you like more of a challenge you can try to stick to the hard stuff. (Though they are technical enough that you may not even think to try them).


The first part of the Dedisse Trail is a nest of trails so it might be easy to get lost. There is one steep section that goes into a small creek where the trail forks after coming out, make sure to turn left here. Once you cross the road, there will be only one main trail.

The Dedisse has some decently steep and loose little climbs. All should be pretty rideable if you have the gas and balance to push through.

Once you get to the Evergreen Mountain trail you have a pretty steady 600ish foot climb over about 2 miles.

At the top, you can choose to do the Summit Loop if you'd like to reach the top and enjoy the view. There is only one tricky spot on this loop. If you take the loop counter-clockwise, the up portions are a little more technical. There is a scenic off shoot about 100 feet before the actual loop which can mess you up if you hope to go CCW. It's a short off shoot so not a big deal if you accidentally take it.

The back side of the Evergreen Mountain trail has a few rocks but nothing of note. Follow it to the west and north on your way to the Sisters Trail. On your way, you;ll incounter a few junctions. At the first one, with Wild Iris Loop, stay to the left. Shortly thereafter, take a left to cross Buffalo Park Rd and another left to join Bluebird Meadow Trail. At the next two
junctions, stay left again to join Bearberry and follow it all of the way to Sisters Trail.

Once you loop back to the Sisters Trail, you'll hit some pretty great technical riding. The first part has a couple tough rock garden/water bar features that you'll have to climb over. The decent off the back side is pretty steep with a couple technical rocks and a lot of tight switch backs.

Once you get to the bottom of the steep section, turn left to join the Dedisse Trail once again and follow it back to where you began.


Shared By:

Blake Vanier with improvements by David Richards

Trail Ratings

  4.0 from 206 votes


in Dedisse Park


  4.0 from 206 votes
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1 Star
Recommended Route Rankings


in Dedisse Park


in Colorado


61 Views Last Month
64,091 Since Aug 25, 2014
Intermediate/Difficult Intermediate/Difficult



The mountain awaits.
Oct 8, 2015 near Evergreen, CO
Sweeping turns through meadow on the east side of Evergreen Mtn.
Aug 16, 2016 near Evergreen, CO
Coming down the west side of the 3 Sisters Trail.
Aug 4, 2016 near Evergreen, CO
Fun features and tight switchbacks on the east side of Sisters Trail.
Aug 18, 2016 near Evergreen, CO
Entrence to Dedisse Trail
Aug 21, 2018 near Evergreen, CO
Technical switch backs are the name of the game on the Sister's trail.
May 31, 2017 near Evergreen, CO
6,000 characters
6,000 characters


Current Trail Conditions

Bad / Closed 23 hours ago
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