Dogs Unknown
Peaks Connect begins on the south side of the
Peaks Trail, a few hundred feet above the Breckenridge end of the trail. Peaks Connect climbs through the forest behind a large condominium before reaching a ski area access road. Stay left, and straight onto the road, passing below the Independence lift chair.
The trail will enter into a linear clearing that was formerly Ski Hill Road prior to being realigned and turned into a wetland mitigation site. At an asphalt hammerhead-turnaround at the end of Ski Watch Drive, look for the trail continuing as a singletrack, over a long boardwalk on the right (west) side of the road.
Pass through a wooded area to a trail junction with
Dwight's and
Swinger trails. Descend to the base of Peak 8. Dismount, and walk south through the base area towards Rip's Ride, a fixed-grip, double chair in the east side of the base area.
Begin up
Pioneer trail, a ski area access road. The road gives way to singletrack on the right of the road. Climb the singletrack through two switchbacks, and at the third switchback turn left (east) onto the continuation of Peaks Connect.
Peaks Connect passes between a number of homes before descending through six tight switchbacs to 4 O'clock Run Road, an asphalt road. Turn right onto the pavement and look for a post and the continuation of the singletrack on the left (east) side of the road. Descend to a switchback that is also the intersection with Four O'clock trail. Go left and descend Four O'clock trail to town.
Shared By:
with improvements
by Wendy Sweet