Dogs Leashed
This is a ride that follows the Rivanna Trail around Charlottesville in a clockwise direction. It starts from Bodo's Bagels parking lot and follows the trail clockwise. Since it comprises both public and private land, make sure to check the Rivanna Trail Foundation website for the trail status before you set out. This ride is a mashup of single and doubletrack, hard surface, stream crossings, city parks and rooty climbs. There are plenty of convenience stores along the route to refuel. Enjoy it!
Rivanna Trail. A collection of connected trails via private and public lands. Private landowners have given use rights to the Rivanna Trail Foundation for limited trail use. Most of the trail is marked with RTF trail markers. Total main trail is about 20 miles with connecting spurs. Recommend visiting for the latest trail status as private landowners can deny access at any time.
The Rivanna Trail Foundation has released an app to Navigate the trail:
Shared By:
Rob Eastman
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