Dogs Unknown
Not Allowed
Multi-use trail; yield to pedestrians; caution, multiple road crossings.
The southern portion of Naymark is a very flat, evenly graded, double-wide, crushed gravel multi-use path. You could push a baby stroller on most of it.
Shortly after the trail crosses Catherine Street, heading north, Naymark leaves the level grade, branching to the northeast, where it gradually descends down a rough, rooty, rocky slope. This section of trail is almost doubletrack (ATV-wide), but big roots and rocks make picking your line important.
After roughly half of a mile, you'll find yourself at the intersection of Root Canal where you can go left (north) through the meadow to the singletrack network, or you can go right (east) to the Old Hartley Road / Duluth Traverse (wide, flat, crushed gravel multi-use path).
Shared By:
Matt Goodman
with improvements
by James Shoberg