Dogs Unknown
Access trail from the
Trials Road trail. It is well marked and featured every year as part of the Blackwater Classic race.
The first section takes you through meadow and forest with a few rocky bits up to a mining area with views to the north and back towards Davis. Next is a small descent into a meadow with a stream crossing followed shortly thereafter by some terrible bogs leading up to Moon rocks. The rocks are a cratered ridge forming a plateau that offers an exciting challenge.
This ascending section is plenty wide for many possible lines. The rider may want to turn around and try it in the downhill direction before continuing on. The trail then descends off Moon rocks and begins the ascent up to the top of Hoodoo rocks. This begins with an extended rock garden, then an old narrow grade ending with a sharp right turn back onto singletrack ascending steeply. The rocks will be on your left and offer nice 360 views of the area.
The descent begins with some short stretches of rock garden followed by a fairly long, rocky trail with a few sharp turns and dense tree cover. Towards the end there is a short ascent, then more downhill until the exit near Camp 70 road.
Shared By:
Adam Linstedt
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