Dogs Unknown
Mandatory access rights. Get your tickets at the information center at the base of Mont-Sainte-Anne or at the entrance of the campground. Trails are Patrolled for verification. Wearing a helmet is mandatory. Please obey the signs and closed trails. Refer to the Mont-Sainte-Anne website to stay informed about trail conditions (
Droits daccs obligatoires. Pistes patrouilles pour vrification. Le port du casque est obligatoire. Veuillez respecter la signalisat...
Stone dust trail along the river Jean-Larose. Wide path for beginners, ideal for families, to easily reach the Mont Sainte-Anne campsite. Beautiful view of the river! Use one of the three bridges that cross the river to get to the southern sector.
Sentier en poussire de pierre longeant la rivire Jean-Larose. Large sentier de niveau dbutant, idal pour les familles, permettant de se rendre aisment au camping du Mont Sainte-Anne. Magnifiques points de vue sur la rivire! Utilisez un des trois ponts qui enjambent la rivire pour vous rendre au secteur sud.
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Station Mont-Sainte-Anne