Dogs Leashed
Back Hollow trail connects the parking area just after the entrance of Canaan Valley State Park to the trail network comprised of Club Run Trail, Middle Ridge Trail, Promised Land Trail,
Railroad Grade Trail and Allegheny Trail (section from Canaan Valley State Park to Canaan Loop Road). You'll see the trailhead just opposite the parking area.
It starts as a dirt road, then a right turn takes you onto a trail crossing an open field. It meets a road and follows it to the right for a few hundred feet before reentering the field and paralleling a tree line. Continue up a brief ascent, turning left where it meets a doubletrack and ride the track through some trees to another field. To the left (unmarked Monarch trail) will take you to a signpost for the Allegheny and Railroad Grade trails where you can also pick up a connecting doubletrack that goes behind the State park cabins to the Club Run Trail. To the right crosses the field and enters the forest before dumping you out on a cul de sac among the State park cabins.
Much of Back Hollow is on soft cut grass through the fields. Other sections are dirt with very few rocks. Overall it holds up pretty well when wet but can be slow going.
Shared By:
Adam Linstedt
with improvements
by Kimmy Clements