Dogs Unknown
Adventure Pass required
Greenline #6 starts just to the south of where Crestline drops you on the road. Again, follow all signs labeled Greenline #6. Following GL6 is following the path of least resistance when it comes to intersections. This helps the fun and flow factor a ton.
The top begins with high speed straights that flow into steep, quick switchbacks that can be quite loose in dry conditions. After the initial switchbacks, you'll come to another drier and looser switchback section known as Tokyo Drift. Following this will be some traversing and clear cut before you enter back into the forest onto the section known as Roots of Fury, followed soon by The Luge.
After some twists and turns you'll hang a hard right at mile 4.9 and cross a bridge heading back to the parking lot. Continue straight through the first intersection you come to (taking a left will bring you to Fall Creek
Campground) and continue straight through the first 4 way intersection you encountered when you started your ride. A few more quick swoops and you're back in the parking lot.
Shared By:
Marc Ellis