Dogs Unknown
Family Friendly
It is an easy-grade, paved path.
Please do not ride the trails when wet. There are very few trails close to Philadelphia, and the community works hard to keep them in good condition.
This paved, multi-use path is a good connector for those trying to access the Wissahickon Park by bike from either center city Philadelphia or Manayunk. If you're coming off the Schuylkill
River Trail, which borders the Schuylkill River, you'll make a sharp left over a bridge that spans Wissahickon Creek. On this side of the street is the Wissahickon Transfer Center (part of SEPTA, the regional mass transit system). On the other side of the street is the start of the Lincoln Drive Trail.
Start on this trail, and you'll ride up to follow the Wissahickon Creek. It's a fairly straight-forward path. After about 1.3 miles, the path will open up into the Lincoln Drive parking lot. You can stop here to access
Forbidden Drive, or you can continue for a short distance to another parking area.
If you want to ride
Forbidden Drive, exit the path at the Lincoln Drive parking lot. If you're trying to do the
Wissahickon Loop, try exiting the path at the end. To your left there will be another parking area and the start of the mountain biking trails.
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amanda delcore