Dogs No Dogs
Family Friendly
Not too technical, so this one suits most riders.
Exodus is another nice trail in the Silvan Forest mountain bike park. The trail is singletrack that runs from part way up the Alpha climbing track around the back of the native gully and connects to the top of
Sequence and to the Jubliee Gum Track.
The trail can be ridden in either direction but is best ridden anti-clockwise which gives you a slight downhill run. Continue on Alpha up above the Arena and you'll find Exodus as it splits off to the left. It starts off straight and fast and then you descend a few hair pin turns that are nicely bermed. You are heading up the south side of the native gully but continue to drop elevation.
The mid section is undulating and passes through some patches of native bush. One or two small creek crosses appear in the middle section but these are dry in summer. The undulation continues on the North side of the gully before ending with a few tight bermed corners before coming out onto a fast finish.
Shared By:
Aaron Schroder