Dogs Off-leash
Family Friendly
There are multiple trail features to improve skills and endurance, especially if traveling uphill to the Keweenaw Mountain Lodge.
This two-way trail has no preferred direction. Heading west it is generally uphill, while heading east it is generally downhill.
This a main connector to get up to the Keweenaw Mountain Lodge and the trails that surround it. It is old school singletrack, with well established hard-pack, that is sometimes rocky with some roots and the terrain is full of short ups and downs without many surprises.
Riding uphill to the top is a moderate sustained climb. Riding downhill can be a fast bombing run or a nice medium paced floaty run; hit it as hard as you want. This is another trail to gain competence in bike handling skills, since it has a good variety.
This trail connects to
Dza Beet - Sec 3 at intersection #19, stretching east towards
Ma Maki (Blue Square/ Intermediate) at intersection #18.
Shared By:
Terry Dahl
with improvements
by Joseph Duggan