Dogs Unknown
A fun, varied trail in Jedidiah Smith State Park. Starts in lush, old growth Redwood forest. As you climb, the trail goes from mostly buff, loamy dirt to red clay with some exposed roots and rocks.
There is a section a little less than a mile long where, for some reason, the forest service covered the trail with pea gravel. It's mostly packed, but can get a little loose in areas, especially in the few switchbacks, all of which are rideable.
Near the top, the trees thin out, the trail turns to mostly crushed serpentine rock, and there are some views of the Smith River valley. You can either turn around and head back down or continue on to the Paradise Trail. If you head back down the way you came, be mindful of hikers and equestrians, both of which are regulars on this trail. The downhill is super fast, flowy, and lots of fun.
Shared By:
aaron livingston