This has been hidden from our maps to prevent overlap with existing trails, or because
our research has found there is no legal access.
Dogs No Dogs
Mind the Table Rock Rd. gate, if you plan to park your car at the Table Rock parking area. It is closed and locked at 10PM nightly (or as posted). If you get locked in, your only option is to come back in the morning to get your car.
You may also park just outside the Table Rock Rd. gate, if you have room to do so without blocking anyone.
DO NOT park at the entry to the Wild Horse Ridge Subdivision.
Sign on the fence to Wild Horse Ridge Subdivision says no Bikes and no trespassing.
You can park at Table Rock or come up the
Table Rock Tech trail or
Table Rock Quarry Trail to access this road. You could also just come up Table Rock Rd or start at the top off of Shaw Mountain Rd and come down
Upper Wild Horse Ridge.
This trail was paved a few years back and developed as the main road in what is now the Wild Horse Gated Community.
The trail access has been preserved but vehicle traffic is restricted to homeowners and their guests only. This paved road/trail, with minimal traffic, has become a favorite of roadies and has several Strava segments for you to test yourself on as you pass through. Mountain bikers can enjoy the soothing hum of tread on smooth pavement, too.
At the bottom, there is a gate to keep out the public car traffic with openings on both sides for bikers and pedestrians.
Shared By:
Joseph States
with improvements
by Brian Strouf
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