Dogs Leashed
Not Allowed
Family Friendly
An easy trail close to a playground and soccer fields.
This is some great singletrack at one of Goochland County's Parks in the western part of the county. It's pretty hilly and the trails are great.
Need to Know
The park is open dawn to dusk. Bathrooms are on site. You'll want to bring drinking water.
The trail starts just west of the parking lot on the northern side (adjacent to Route 6) of the park. That single part of the trail is winding and has some tight turns to navigate. Cross the access road at 0.4 miles, and go straight. At the access road crossings, look for directional markers on trees.
Overall, this is a great singletrack in Western Goochland that is not too technical without too many roots.
For more information, check out the
article on pg. 12 of The Gazette.
History & Background
Shared By:
Ethan Seltzer
with improvements
by Cameron Guthrie