Dogs Unknown
A nice loop around the top of Page Mesa in far northern Arizona with great views of the surrounding desert, Lake Powell and the ever-smoking Navajo Generating plant. This a fun trail and the only singletrack in the area.
The trailhead to the north connects to the trail via the
Rim Trail Connector and allows riders to start with a brief descent and then get the climbing out of the way over the next few miles before a long, gradual descent brings you back (as mapped). If you start at the Public Library trailhead, you'll end up dealing with the climb at the end of your ride, but this is probably still the best option if you're pedaling from a hotel.
The Chamber of Commerce has maps available, but the route isn't well-signed and there are enough intersections and nearby trails that you'll want to keep the
MTB Project mobile app handy to stay on track.
Shared By:
Kirk Astroth