Dogs No Dogs
Immediately at the start of the trail, riders will encounter the three namesake lines of Trident. Ride up on a wooden bridge built on a downed tree to access lines A and B, or keep right around the tree for the C line.
After the first bridge, the A line continues left onto a narrower bridge that ends with a moderate drop-off into a berm. To ride the B Line instead, keep straight after the entrance bridge for a second wider bridge that concludes with a down-slope to drop that lands in the same berm as the A line. Heading down the C line keeps things grounded with some tight turns that join the trail after the first berm.
From there, the rest of the trail weaves around the trees as it head across the top of the hill. There are a few exposed roots to deal with, but nothing that should be any trouble compared to the opening obstacle. The trail ends on the Upper Access Road allowing riders to carry speed into
Ryanocoaster or
Shared By:
Andrew James