Dogs Off-leash
This property is used by hunters during deer season. Please be respectful and wear orange.
A challenging but not leg-busting tour of the trails on Turkey and the lower Beebe Hill trails.
Need to Know
No cell phone service except at the top of
Red Eft.
Starting in the Fog Hill Road Parking lot - take a quick warm-up lap up the fire road and down
Dirtfish to get a sense of the fun you are in for. When back at the lot 10 minutes later - you can de-layer and head out deeper into the woods.
You have no real extended climbs on this route (the longest, perhaps, is a mellow 3-5 minutes on
Tango) - but you'll be rewarded with lots of fast and fun flow - with endless features.
If you are hoping to add in a bit more downhill (and up)- ride
Harvey Mountain Trail, and
Fire Tower Descent. If you are riding with a dog off leash - be aware that you'll need to cross busy Route 22 twice. If you want a bit more rocky tech - add in
AJ and
Turkey Hill.
Shared By:
Zach Feuer