Dogs Unknown
This is a nontechnical forest road ride in the shadow of Monte Musine, the last peak before the Po River plain, near Torino. The route heads up to a small chapel where there is a great view across the val Susa (Valley) to the tall peaks on the other side. This is a nice winter route when the higher trails are snowed in.
The track starts at a parking area in the small village of Caselette. Head across the road to take the
Tagliafuoco (Fire Cut). It climbs at a low grade for about 4 km (2.4 mi) through a sparce forest on the slopes of Monte Musine. Numerous breaks in the forest cover offer views of the tall peaks across the val Susa Valley. At about 6 km (3.6 mi), you'll reach an intersection. Continuing straight, a number of short road segments cross an agricultural and forested area on the outskirts of Almese (you'll want to download the GPX track to avoid getting lost). One of these segments runs along a stone fence where there is often a small stream running along the trail.
Eventually (at 8 km, 5 mi), you'll reach the other end of the
Tagliafuoco. This begins an approximately 300 m (900 ft) climb to the Pilone Mollar where there is a small chapel with a great overlook. To begin the climb, turn sharp right on
Tagliafuoco and then at the next intersection left onto
Pillone Mollar. It's a nontechnical fireroad climb up to the chapel. Enjoy the view and then retrace your steps back to
Tagliafuoco. This time turn left to continue the loop through a heavy forest further up the side of Monte Musine. At about the 17 km (10.7 mi) mark, you'll turn left to follow
Tagliafuoco back to the parking area.
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