Dogs Off-leash
If you want to peddle the inclines to access this trail, the best way to do so is to start up the BVHD easement and go up
Quick Gully. Once you reach the Junction, take a right toward the town overlook. Take the singletrack that splits right off the doubletrack. If you follow the doubletrack, you'll end up in the same place, but you'll have to struggle up the steep incline. Keep following the
Town Overlook Bypass until it intersects with the doubletrack at a gate. Follow the singletrack straight on the left (east) side of the fence. Pass "The M" on your left, ignoring
The M Trail.
Keep following the trail up the last bit of incline and now the fun begins. An alternative way to access this trail is to hike your bike up the power incline from the parking lot. When you get to the top of the hill, go through the first gate on your right. You'll see the last incline mentioned previously. This alternative way is a shorter more direct route, but it much steeper.
The downhill section of this trail follows the top of a steep rocky ridge. The average grade is 15% with small sections exceeding 20%. Enjoy the challenge and thrills of this trail. You'll definitely get some adrenaline going if you're not used to heights.
Ultimately this trail meets up with
The M Trail. Take a left at the junction to return to "The M" and the Town Overlook. Do not try to exit this trail by going straight at the junction. The access to this trail via Cliff Road is not advised. The trail leading back to Cliff Road and Cornell Park is extremely steep even when you do not have a bike. There is serious risk of injury if you try to exit the trail in this manner. Please play it safe and take
The M Trail back to rest of the High Trails System.
Shared By:
Jeremy Wicker