Dogs Leashed
This dirt forest service road starts at Wolf Pen Gap (elevation 3,337 ft). Your roadie friends will be jealous! From there, you climb another 500 ft or so up to about 3,800 ft. After that, its a 7.5-mile, 1,500 ft descent to Mulky Gap Road (FS 4) and the Cooper Creek Campground.
The road weaves among the peaks comprising Duncan Ridge, although at times you are on the ridge proper and can look down onto peaks to the north and south. There are a lot of steep ravines you can look down into where creeks begin their journey down to the Gulf of Mexico via the Tennessee River.
The road tread is a mostly high quality dirt road with a few areas armored with gravel. You can bring your cyclocross bike, but a little suspension will make the ride a lot faster and more fun.
Note that the road merges with Duncan Ridge Trail at several points along the ridge. Unfortunately, the singletrack sections of this trail are not bike friendly.
Parking: If you want to round trip with 90% uphill out and 90% downhill down then Cooper Gap Scenic Area parking lot is a good place to start. Just a few minutes east of the campground.
Shared By:
Lost Justpastnowhere
with improvements
by Mikel Manitius