Dogs No Dogs
The trail starts in farmland on the outskirts of Gronsveld. There is ample parking in the suburb.
Need to Know
There are a few nice cafes in Gronsveld that is worth the visit.
The first couple of hundred meters are very technical consisting of a singletrack trail filled with tree roots, rocks etc. It enters onto a jeep track that leads you through the forest of Savelsbos. After about 2 kilometers of relatively flat terrain, the track ends at the tar road leading to Cadier en Keer.
The tar road winds quite steeply up the ridge on which Savelsbos is situated, and ends at the N278 provincial road. After following the N278 on the tarred bicycle path, you turn off on a gravel road that takes you back into Savelsbos. The next 700m of trail is singletrack and very technical. Watch out for slippery roots, rocks and slippery track sides.
Shared By:
Jaco Nel