Dogs Leashed
Closed in winter due to snow
This route takes you down to Dorabella Cove with a mix of single and doubletrack. There are options to head down to the water as well.
Need to Know
The trail is popular with hikers and horses as well.
A fun way to get down to Dorabella Cove and even take a dip in the lake. After parking at the Edison Rest Stop, head to the fire station and take a right on the dirt road toward Dorabella Campground. Before you reach the campground, you'll turn right on the
Perimeter Trail. Follow it around the cove to the
Nevin's Loop. There are trails that will take you down to the lake.
You'll return to the
Perimeter Trail but head up to the highway. Cross the road to the Transfer Station and to the right you'll see a dirt road blocked by a log which is the
Musick Meadows Loop. We took the first right which puts you on a singletrack. If you stay on the main road it takes you along the meadow and comes out at the same place. Turn right at the road to return to the rest stop.
Watch out for hikers and horses on the trail.
Shared By:
Dion Reeves