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This route starts with Wood Rat Trail singletrack and 100% of the downhill is singletrack.

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762' 232 m


298' 91 m


1,404' 428 m


1,396' 426 m



Avg Grade (2°)


Max Grade (13°)

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Parking at the Crockett Blvd/Edwards Creek Trail is limited.


This loop starts on Crockett Blvd rather than the staging area near the high school. It has a smaller parking area, so timing is everything to this loop.

The loop hits the best of Crockett Hills: Sugar City Trail, Tree Frog Loop, Soaring Eagle Trail, and potential for some extra singletrack fun and easy to repeat loops within.

This route starts higher on the hill—so it avoids about 400-500' of climbing required if you park at the park entrance near the high school. The downhill reward is not great enough for the extra climbing of parking down below. Plus, this makes for a much easier warm-up, as you aren't cranking up a steep grade right out of the parking lot.

Need to Know

Again—parking the trailhead of Edwards Loop Trail on Crockett Blvd is hit or miss due to small parking area. Good luck!

Downhills are intermediate level with a few features but nothing really technical; it's the climbs between sugar city/tree frog that make this a difficult ride for those of us without bionic legs/eBikes. They are steep and unrelenting; but that also makes them pretty short.


This hits the best of Crockett Hills incredibly-designed and well-maintained trails with amazing downhill flow and features; while the climbs can be done on quick, short (but steep) fire roads, allowing for repeat downhill loops if your legs/lungs are up for it!

This starts with the Wood Rat Trail as a fun way to start warming up; which you take to the tunnel running under the Skyway; then a pretty mild grade climb up the Crockett Ranch Trail (or take Soaring Eagle Trail if you prefer an extended climb on singletrack—but be wary, as there will be more riders ripping down this than heading up); when you arrive at the asphalt slab with picnic tables, you have reached the entrance of the Sugar City Trail. BE SURE TO STAY LEFT AFTER THE GATE! Otherwise, you end up in a much shorter and less thrilling singletrack that runs mostly along the backside of the ridge (though it doesn't lose much elevation, so it's an easily amended mistake if you take it—just make a right and head back to the slab via the Big Valley Trail).

Sugar City Trail will also take you down to the Big Valley Trail—but much lower down in the bottom of the valley on the backside of the ridge. (If you loved it—make a right on the Big Valley Trail and make the steep grade, leg-busting climb back to the slab and run it again.)

To get to the Tree Frog Loop, you want to go left on Big Valley Trail, down to the bottom of the valley and heading southwest (?), you'll eventually see some corrals and old ranch structures/fencing—this is where the climb to the Tree Frog Loop begins. Both the Big Valley Trail and the Kestrel Loop Trail run side by side past the ranch area—a mostly flat region connecting the ridges of the Sugar City Trail to the ridge of the Tree Frog Loop. The fire road heading south and up the ridge is the Bay Area Ridge Trail, and you'll head up it a short ways before making the hard hairpin left onto what becomes the Tree Frog Loop climb = a brutal little climb. They should call it the Tree Frog Loop elevator. You'll see a singletrack running across this trail early-on, this is the Unfinished Business Trail—that you can opt into near the end of Tree Frog Loop.

Continue the fire road climb, up and to the right around the ridge, then you'll see the remaining climb to the Tree Frog Loop singletrack entrance to the left as the trail levels out. After a bit more climbing on Tree Frog Loop, it flows down like Sugar City Trail—flowing back and forth into/out of the trees. Eventually, you run into an intersection—left is the Unfinished Business trail (out and back, worth checking out!), straight ahead continues onto the Rumsen Trail, which is a blast and eventually leads you back to the corrals.

This loop includes taking the left onto Unfinished Business and heads around the hill and south away from Rumsen Trail, cross Bay Area Ridge Trail and follow the flow! The trail is "unfinished," so it doesn't quite take you all the way to reunite with the Bay Area Ridge Trail, so best bet is to turn around and enjoy the ride back up to the start of the Tree Frog Loop elevator.

From here, double back up to the start of the Tree Frog Loop singletrack and take it down to Rumsen Trail. From Rumsen Trail, you can either go all the way past the corral area and back via Big Valley Trail/Kestrel Loop toward the Sugar City Trail. Make the grinding climb up past the end of Sugar City Trail, staying right and going through the gate at the top; then continue the fire road climb up to the slab at the top of the hill where the entrance is to Sugar City Trail. (If you have time and strength hit the Sugar City Trail and loop back up here!)

From here, you make the return run to the staging area via the underrated Soaring Eagle Trail. Eventually, you end up back at the tunnel that runs under Cummings Skyway and you're going back via Wood Rat Trail as you came in.


Shared By:

Liam Moran with improvements by Brandon R

Trail Ratings

  4.2 from 17 votes


  4.2 from 17 votes
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in California


121 Views Last Month
3,607 Since Dec 29, 2020
Intermediate/Difficult Intermediate/Difficult



Crockett Hills Trail - Might be Tree Frog Loop
Mar 11, 2018 near Crockett, CA
A view of the Sugar City Trail - At least 30 little jumps on the side of that hill!
Dec 15, 2016 near Crockett, CA
Not a straight section to be found on Unfinished Business
Mar 17, 2015 near Crockett, CA
Tree Frog Loop has nice flow.
Aug 9, 2023 near Crockett, CA
Crockett Hills Trail - Might be Tree Frog Loop
Mar 11, 2018 near Crockett, CA
The Slab
Dec 30, 2020 near Crockett, CA
6,000 characters
6,000 characters


Current Trail Conditions

All Clear 13 days ago
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Nov 24, 2023
Dana Constance
Mar 20, 2022
Kim S
12h 38m
Mar 6, 2022
Leslie Walsh
Oct 15, 2021
Downhill Rider
Jun 1, 2021
Ellis the dude
One of the best trails in the east bay! Great singletrack with nice opportunities for a little air on the way down. A great place to build your skill
May 21, 2021
Fernando Seminario Junek
Apr 28, 2021
Dave Carroll
March 2025

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