Dogs Unknown
Need to Know
Make sure you stop at the Rendezvous Diner in Greer for some great pie, fries and chili.
Trail connecting AZ-273 to Greer. Can be combined with the West Fork Trail and Railroad GradeTrail to make a good loop.
I would recommend riding this in reverse (South to North). The last couple of miles into Greer is a steep descent that would have probably been HAB for me personally.
I would definitely do this with others, give yourself more time than you think you'll need and make sure you have the trail downloaded on a phone with GPS as the southern half of the trail is very faint. Look for large rock cairns and the brown fiberglass National Park Service trail signs to stay on the trail. The trail gradually becomes a real trail as you approach Greer. This area is recovering from a burn but we only ran into a handful of downed trees that we had to dismount for. There are an abundance of sticks in the trail in this area so be careful not to break a spoke like I did. The southern half of the trail could become unrideably muddy with rainfall.
This is a great ride as long as you are ready for some route finding and an adventure. The wildlife is unreal, in late July I saw a badger, turkeys, 3 male elk with big racks, and deer among gorgeous wildflowers.
Shared By:
Jim Gioanne