Dogs Leashed
Need to Know
The final mile of Corbly Gulch Road to the trailhead is quite rough. Recommended parking at the pullout at 45.86195, -111.0347.
Park at the sharp right hand turn in the Corbly Gulch Road around coordinates 45.86195, -111.0347. If you want to do some off-roading, you can drive to the primary parking lot 1 mile up the road, but generally it's faster and easier on your rig to pedal that section. Lots of big rocks and a few washouts on that section of the road.
From your car, you'll climb up the road to the Corbly Gulch Trailhead, a 10-15 min pedal. Then you'll start climbing singletrack working your way up the drainage. Trail is mostly smooth and gradual climbing, with a handful of tight switchbacks.
At around the 3 mile mark, you'll cross a small stream. This stream has a few rocks that make it easy to hop across, but early season you might get your feet wet. The trail to this point is generally south facing, so the lower section of the trail below the stream tends to dry out quickly in the spring -- often rideable by late April/May.
After crossing the creek, the dirt turns from dustier/sandier soil to moister dirt. This section is generally the flowiest part on the way down, with a few fun rollers and small side hits. Continue climbing another ~2.2 miles beyond the creek crossing, as the trail continues to climb and switchback. At the top, you'll be rewarded with a spectacular viewpoint of the Bridgers and the many farm fields in the valley below. There is a more primitive trail from this viewpoint up to Sacajawea Pass, however, the more common route is to bomb back down to your car from this point.
Shared By:
Koby Gordon