did not like the sandy off camber section at the top riding wise but the views were good especially since it had just rained. the last downhill ma…
8.3 mi — 1h 0m
3 stars in the summer in a weekend but I would guess maybe even 5 stars on a winter weekday right after it rains since there would be fewer hikers,…
11.7 mi — 1h 30m
added the central spine out after the main loop for extra adventure. the way out on dragon's tail was awesome, but the way back was just good. gl…
more steep than technical, but a little of that too. not as exposed as I expected from afar, it was pretty rutted out in sections. worth doing on…
the section of power line at the bottom is not more than a blue trail. very pretty ride with lots of fun technical sections, but the downhill sect…