7.1 mi — 52m
Trail is in good shape! Muddier areas have dried out and thorns aren't an issue this time of year. Great time to ride when the temperature cooperates!
11.5 mi — 1h 45m
Absolutely gorgeous singletrack that is a must ride for anyone within a reasonable radius (I drove 4 hours from Lubbock, TX). Recently updated!
8.4 mi — 1h 15m
A few spots are in rough shape, but generally it isn't difficult to find which branch you're supposed to take. Breathtaking views!!!!
10.9 mi — 1h 40m
Fantastic loop all-around! One section of trail required a detour that was relatively easy to navigate. Beautiful area and fun riding! Hard to beat!
6.7 mi
Unbelievable view from the top and a gem for the Texas Panhandle. Climb will shoot your legs down pretty good, but it's all worth it!!
3 mi
Trail is geared toward family-type hikes - very open and flat, sandy in parts. Recommend taking your bike somewhere else. MTB alternates exist though!