5.6 mi
The back part of the loop closer to the mountains is really nice. Technical segment is pretty manageable but has a couple of spots where I dismounted
3.5 mi — 20m
Short nontechnical trail good for hikers and beginners. Midpoint has a nice lookout. Connects to Ford and Ironwood to get to competitive track.
0.9 mi — 10m
Fun connector trail from Mule Deer to competitive track, beginner level. Popular with hikers too.
3.3 mi
trail very smooth with a few technical areas (switchbacks and fairy gates rocks). Narrow path shared with dog walkers and joggers.
0.5 mi
short but fun
24.8 mi
climb took me 3 hours on scenic jeep road. on way down, mt hough 4 is on right not left. Very flowy, awesome trail!!!
14 mi
Sunrise to butcher to third divide to first divide. was told second divide was expert only.
9 mi
Take Mills Peak Road all the way to sign, don’t turn left when google maps says. Park a bit downhill from tower.